Afghan Block Square Free Crochet Pattern
There are thousands of different designs for crochet squares made in various shapes and sizes so we could make almost everything, from simple dishcloths to complicated blankets. That’s why squares are one of the most beloved crochet items for each and every crochet hooker and that’s why today, we’re going to teach you how to make this gorgeous afghan block square in the best possible way.
This is a quite complex project to make, it’s heavily post-crocheted, thereby, technically intermediate in difficulty. Beautiful 3D effect is achieved by clever smooth increases and decreases along the edges of the shapes, and alternate front and back post crochets throughout the piece.
This afghan block square is simply a beautiful peace of art you’ll love for sure. So, check out the source for the written pattern below, follow the instructions and enjoy your crocheting. Please, always feel free to share your opinion and ideas with us and other crochet lovers in a comment section below. Good luck and happy crocheting.
This afghan block square is simply a beautiful peace of art you’ll love for sure. So, check out the source for the written pattern below, follow the instructions and enjoy your crocheting.
Follow the link below to download free crochet pattern
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