
The Arruga Stitch Crochet Tutorial

Good evening everybody, I am sure you are having a nice day but I’ll try to make it more enjoyable for you with this adorable Arruga stitch. Learning a new crochet technique is always such fun and our today’s project is not an exception as well.

This stitch was inspired by the unique texture of the stone hill structures and for me it looks simply gorgeous. Just imagine how many beautiful projects could be made using this easy and elegant technique, including blankets, scarves, jackets and etc.

Are you feeling excited? I hope you do because this is one of the most unique stitches I’ve ever seen and if you have a desire to determine your crochet skills, this is probably the best opportunity for you.

So, let’s get down to the business. Here we have brought to you very helpful video tutorials that will make your crocheting process much more entertaining.

Just follow the instructions and you’ll be able to master one of the most extraordinary crochet stitches ever made. Enjoy your crochet time and do not forget to share your experience with your friends. Good luck.

Click here to show tutorial

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